Curia Generalizia SVD
Via dei Verbiti, 1
00154 Roma
• General Info
• Members' Access
SVD-Curia is the
official website of the Divine Word Missionaries. Please find below detailed
information about the website. Some areas may
require a username and password. Only SVD members may use the provided form
to request membership.
Site Information
About the Site
- Website created and monitored by the SVD
Curia, Roma,
- to enhance communication among members of the
- and to share with friends and sympathizers
- about ourselves and about our ministries.
- Terms of Use
- All are welcome to the public area of the
- Access to the members' area is granted upon
- Information made available to you in the
members' area
- may not be circulated outside the SVD.
- Disclaimer
[See full version]
- The SVD Curia in Rome is not directly
- for the contents of the web pages it hosts,
- nor for those of the websites it recommends.
- Please address your questions and comments to
their authors.
Members' Access